FRANKINCENSE - Boswellia Serrata


Frankincense EO is considered a holy oil and date back way before the time of Christ to the Egyptians and Sumerians. It was given as a gift for Jesus Christ, and has been used to awaken our spiritual awareness and connect with spirit. For centuries this oil has helped us harness the power of our own connection on a emotional, spiritual and mental level! It also has amazing healing properties.

For the medicine cabinet x. Frankincense EO has anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiseptic, disinfectant, digestive, diuretic, and expectorant properties. It is considered a tonic, as it benefits all the systems operating in the body, including the digestive, respiratory, nervous, and excretory systems. It also helps the absorption of nutrients and strengthens your immune system. It works as a natural painkiller Arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Frankincense oil can break up phlegm deposits in your respiratory tract and lungs, and can relieve bronchitis-related congestion. The antiseptic qualities of this oil can help prevent bad breath, cavities, toothaches, mouth sores, and other infections. Frankincense is also being studied for its potential to treat cancer. Scientists have observed that there’s an agent in this oil that not only stops cancer from spreading, but also induces cancerous cells to close themselves down.

For the mind/nervous system x. Frankincense EO will immediately induce the feeling of peace, relaxation, and satisfaction. When inhaled, it has been shown to reduce heart rate and high blood pressure. It has anti-anxiety and depression reducing abilities. It has comforting properties that help focus the mind and overcome stress and despair.

For meditation x. Frankincense EO has been used to awaken our spiritual awareness and connect with spirit. It will help us release parts of our ego which hold us back from connecting with our soul, as well as feelings of unworthiness and insecurity. Useful for visualizing, and balancing mind, body and soul. Once connected with the spiritual side, we can embrace our true purpose in the world and become more spiritually driven rather than ego driven.

For the home/cleaning x. Frankincense EO is an antiseptic, meaning it will help eliminate bacteria and viruses from your home and to clean indoor spaces. The plant has been commonly burned to help disinfect an area and is used as a natural deodorizer. Use it in an essential oil diffuser to help reduce indoor pollution and to deodorize and disinfect any room or surface in your home.

For beauty x. Frankincense EO is a powerful astringent, meaning it helps protect skin cells. It can be used to help reduce acne blemishes, the appearance of large pores, to prevent wrinkles, and it will even help lift and tighten skin to naturally slow signs of aging. The oil can be used anywhere where the skin becomes saggy such as the abdomen, jowls, or under the eyes.

Colour x. Frankincense oil has a woody, earthy, spicy, and slightly fruity aroma.

Collections: Essential Oils

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