LEMON - Citrus limon


Lemon EO is fresh, zesty, a scent that everyone enjoys. It’s a very popular EO that has about a gazillion uses. Lemon EO is so vibrant, bright and the perfect perk-up our homes and even our moods. Lemon oil has a wide variety of uses from household jobs, body and mind health, and many things in between.

For the medicine cabinet x. Lemon EO has an amazing antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties that makes it epic in fighting infections and promoting immunity. It contains citric acid, calcium, magnesium, Vitamin C and bioflavonoids, just to name a few. Lemons are good immune system boosters, help aid in digestion, and can help detoxify and purify the liver. • Use it for coughs, colds and general congestion. Rub a few drops of lemon oil on your chest and/or throat when you feel congested. • You can also diffuse lemon oil into the air for help with respiratory problems. Add 2-3 drops of lemon oil to your hot tea, or drink it with warm water and honey to help soothe a sore throat. • Got nail fungus? Apply a few drops of lemon oil to the affected nail several times a day. • Cold sores or blisters? Corns or calluses? Add a drop of lemon oil to the affected area 2-3 times a day and watch it disappear quickly. • Feeling like you might be coming down with something? Place a drop of lemon oil directly on your tongue, or on the roof of your mouth. The antibacterial and antiviral properties of the lemon oil may ward off symptoms just in time.

For the mind/nevous system x. Lemon EO promotes focus, clarity and lifts moods. Feeling anxious? try inhaling the scent of lemon oil regularly. Dab it behind your ears and on your wrists. This is a great way to calm your anxiety … naturally. It helps a person to overcome confusion or doubt, fatigue, overwhelm, "blah" moods and lack of enthusiasm.

For the home/cleaning x. Lemon EO is a MUST for your home, and has a gazillion uses. • All purpose cleaner. In a spray bottle, add 5ml lemon EO with 250ml water. Use this mixture to spritz your countertops, sinks, and so on. Not only will your home smell amazing, it will sanitize, and make you emotionally happy while doing so. Note: Store in aluminum canister as the lemon oil will eat away at plastic. • Degreaser. It cuts through the muck and grime with ease. It will also cut through residue from glues and adhesives. • Laundry – Left laundry sitting in the washer too long? just add a few drop of lemon EO and your clothes will smell great. Also add a few drops to homemade laundry soap to give it a pleasant scent, or add a drop directly to the wash/rinse cycle to freshen up any load. • Greasy hands. Regular soap isn’t doing the trick? Just add a couple drops of lemon EO with your soap and get your clean hands back! • Furniture polish. Add a few drops to a half-cup of olive oil to make a natural furniture polish • Stinky smells. A few drops in the baby’s diaper pail, old shoes, or wherever you need it will help freshen the air. You can even mix lemon oil in a glass spray bottle with water and spritz around the house. • Dishes. Add a drop to your dishwasher or handwash sink for spot-free dishes.

For beauty x. Teeth Whitener – Mix lemon essential oil, baking soda and coconut oil and rub on your teeth for 2 minutes and then dense as a natural teeth whitener. • Lemon EO improve’s your complexion and leaves your skin soft and supple. Mix lemon oil with baking soda and honey for a natural acne free face wash. • Place 4 drops of lemon oil with a glass of warm water and gargle for bad breath, mouth ulcers and other mouth ailments.

Colour x. clear in colour and watery in viscosity.

Collections: Essential Oils

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